Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by ParaJunkee – helping bloggers get out there and meet new bloggers!
Be sure to hit up ParaJunkee’s blog to add your name to the linky if you’re joining in, and to get the button with code below. Simply Click It and you will go right to her blog! Instructions are below for follow Friday fun!
Q. How has your reading habits changed since you were a teen? or If you are still a teen what new genres are you in love with currently?
My reading habits have drastically changed since I was a teen! It took everything I had as a teen to just read a book for a class assignment. I very much detested reading. I actually only started reading like I do now about two years ago when I moved back in with my mom and dad right after my divorce. My mom forced books on me then and I’m thankful she did because I’d be lost without them today. It almost feels like I’ve been reading them since I was a teen.
I was actually one of the few people who enjoyed reading the books for english. I couldn't imagine high school without my obsession with reading! I'm glad you found your passion for reading :) Great answer!
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Have a great weekend!
Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka
Stopping by on the hop. When I was in high school I always had my nose stuck in a book. I actually had hallway collisions because I would be reading instead of watching where I was going.
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